This man is pleading for his life

This is Otto Warmbier, an American student

In 2016, he took a trip to North Korea

One night, he snuck into the staff only area of his hotel

He then took a propaganda poster as a cool all souvenir

But when he was at the airport about to leave, two guards approached him and arrested him

He was then taken to a bizarre press conference where he had to confess to his crimes

He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor

He remained in a North Korean prison for one and a half years

That was until the US Government made a deal to get him free

But as soon as he was freed, the North Korean government said he had fallen ill

They said he had gone into a coma

He was picked up by plane and taken back to the US.

but a few days later passed away in hospital

Many experts, and even the President said North Korea was to blame for Otto's passing

He might have stolen a poster, but North Korea stole his life