She rescued a dying meat chicken from a chicken farm, and after 5 years, the chicken has become a beloved member of her family!

She rescued a dying meat chicken from a chicken farm, and after 5 years, the chicken has become a beloved member of her family!

She rescued a dying meat chicken from a chicken farm, and after 5 years, the chicken has become a beloved member of her family!

The rooster in the photo below is named Boo and he is 5 years old this year.

According to his original life trajectory, he would have been stuffed with feed every day from the moment he hatched, lived a short life, and then been slaughtered to make various foods for humans.

Luckily, he met Mary, who gave him a chance to look silly and see humans from between his legs…

(Boo and Mary)

Five years ago, Mary first saw Boo on social media. The person who was raising him said that he was too ugly and looked mutated, and he didn’t want him anymore.

Mary fell in love with Boo at first sight because she had previously had a pet rooster who had passed away, and Boo’s breed and appearance were almost identical to that rooster. It immediately brought back memories for Mary.

Mary felt that this was fate and that God had brought Boo into her life, so she contacted the caregiver and brought Boo home.

When Boo first came to Mary’s home, he was in very bad condition.

Because the previous owner fed him excessive amounts of feed, Boo’s weight far exceeded that of a normal chicken. He couldn’t move or even breathe properly, and his comb was choked to a deep purple color.

On the way home, Mary was worried that Boo might not survive, but luckily, Boo showed that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

After successfully losing weight, Boo quickly integrated into this family and became a member of it.

Boo even started keeping up with the times and delved into electronic products.

Boo loves this family very much. He takes care of his little sister who is about the same size as him, but when it comes to toys, he always plays with them first, and the stroller is always for Boo to sit in first.

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