Zoo Responds to Explosive Appearance of White-Faced Monkey: Looks Very Cute

Zoo Responds to Explosive Appearance of White-Faced Monkey: Looks Very Cute

Zoo Responds to Explosive Appearance of White-Faced Monkey: Looks Very Cute

On February 23rd, according to reports, a netizen took a video of a “terrifying white-faced monkey” at the Hongshan Forest Zoo in Nanjing, Jiangsu. After the video was posted online, it sparked a lot of discussion among netizens.

Zoo Responds to Explosive Appearance of White-Faced Monkey: Looks Very Cute

Some netizens joked, “This appearance is quite explosive in the Classic of Mountains and Seas,” “It looks like No-Face from Spirited Away,” “The first time I saw it at Hongshan Forest Zoo, my mind was about to explode.” The Hongshan Forest Zoo in Nanjing responded by saying, “What does ‘explosive’ mean as an adjective? Our monkey ‘Dudu’ is actually very cute and has a star quality!

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